+ Mike's old Buick Century (RIP): Drove the 3 of us around Boonville for a year, and the 2 of you, much longer.
+ NHL Hitz man: The greatest video game not known to man.
+ Free Birdman logo next to a Yoohoo bottle: The two are unrelated, and bland looking, but they mean so much.
+ Mugshot of Smilez and Southstar: Wow, where did you ever find that picture? Nothing says Thug Life quite like "Love, hate, mistakes, TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK IS GOIN' ON!!!!"
+ Brian Butch crying with his dislocated elbow: Sadly I don't hate him as much as I used to after meeting him, and having him coach one of my adult league basketball games. He's actually a really nice guy.
+ Alex holding the Whammy Stick: The cause of at least 37 conflicts at the Pugh residence.
AHHHH, They all have so much meaning and a long story behind them! Thank you Alex for increasing the beauty of the homepage by 500%.
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