-Farewell Daunte Culpepper. Your exploits on the field for you last two teams, Oakland and Miami, have gone by the way side, but you will still always be in our hearts for that amazing season in Minnesota when you threw for 4000 yards and helped keep Chris Carter and Randy Moss the best receiving combo to ever play. I think we can all agree that the constant usage of the his trademark 'rollin' hand gesture may have been the karma that caused the knee injuries/inability to come back after forgettable seasons in Miami. Thank you Daunte, Poot's World Salutes you from the confines of the Wakeman household circa year 2000.
- I read a trade proposal on ballhype this morning, Tinsley for Harrington which puzzled yet made me curious to how that would work. Tinsley is one of the PG's I have never seen enough of to know if he is actually done from injury or he can play again, but getting rid of harrington in the new era warriors could be ok, would tinsley give any type of baron presence? poot's... world... radio topic please.
-Sportingnews, the site that has never been seen other than for gambling addicts, Poot, and Mike and I, when basic fantasy calls. Only three trades per season this year! ? uhh, well I guess that means i am counting on Kansas City's D and Randy Moss to cancel each other out.
-Monta talk continues. Abrahsions on leg near site of injury. Monta if 4x4'ing is involved i am not going to be pleased. On a better note Mr. Turiaf likes going to restraunts and is good at "having fun". Ronny we know you are sad about leaving Kobe, but if you gel with this team considering all the spectacular plays that go on every given night, there hopefully will be a higher ratio of dance on sideline to minutes on floor rate which will keep us all happy in spite of the Lakers loss. We'll keep a chart as the year goes on, hopefully along with marcus williams' Assist to Turnover ratio.
so you need to find a way to edit our name into this alex.....
So it looks like we start with only 3 trades, but get another one each week. Apparently Alex wasn't the only one that had trouble rationing their trades. Thanks for the tips though Al; I'll be sure to add Moss and KC's defense to my roster.
Nate! I still don't see a team for you. The Raging Martians and 3 Guys in a Softub are going to be lonely. Besides, if you at least pretend that you are making an effort, Alex and I won't feel as bad when you beat us. And I don't want to hear anything about student teaching; Fantasy Football is way more important than those little tykes! ;)
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