HORSE: Not sure what to expect with this bad boy of a new event. Love the way Joe Johnson operates on the basketball court so I'm going to roll with him. I'm also going to put it out there that this event is going to be uneventful, boring and uninteresting. Go JOE!
Skills Competition: Devin Harris is the only one that will give a crap about this event so I'm giving the torch to the Wisconsin native. Also, visited his hometown last weekend and the town is completely up in arms about Devin's All-Star weekend debut. Well, on second thought...
3pt Shootout: Of course you know I'm going to be jumping on the Granger bandwagon in this competition. His line drive laser shot will need to catch fire, which of course it will slipping through the first round. Semi's and finals will be dominated by this year's most improved player.
Dunk Contest: ANYBODY BUT NATE ROBINSON, ANYONE BUT NATE ROBINSON!!!! So sick of little men getting major props for doing what would be considered a simple dunk for someone above the height of 6'5. Why not just have an event that measures vertical jumps and crown a winner. J.R. SMITH biatches! He's creative, has mad hops, and finishes with authority. Can't ask for much more. Plus his behind the back dunk 2 years ago did not get proper recognition in the dunk contest world.
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