-Well I see NBA Draft.net goes by Chad Ford nowadays....
-I would like to say I knew that Brook Lopez wouldn't go 3rd. He doesn't deserve to be there and would most definitley be the pooper after-thought of the stellar lottery that will be remembered for years to come
-Trent Johnson... Brook and Robin 1# and 2#. Augustin and Abrhams beat them in the tourney... imagine what Travis Diener and Nate Robinson will do to them
-De'andre Jordan is slated to go to the warriors... Won't Happen... P Bryant and Jelly is enough developing 7 footers for one developing team...
-it's time for my draft now that the official one is starting to shape up the way it should....

Pootylove aka TentSnuggler's MOCKDRAFT 1.3
1.M. Beasley----- Too much Courage in Hinrich

2.Rose------- Wade County meet Sheriff Rose
3.Mayo-----G Green Wolves... meet future All-Star
4.Bayless------Bayless Barons
5.Lopez------DJ Paul Perpetual Losers
6.Galinari-------D'Antoni Dons
7.Gordon------Livingston Atrocitites need SHOOTER
8.Love-----BogYiLove fast-ForWards 4 years to #1 pick
9.Randolph---Replacement for Hermann/Morrison Jedi Apprentice
10. D'Andre-----The Chad Ford best prospect Available
11.Westbrook--Fred Jones/Monta wannabe/lockdown defender poot desires
12.Augustin-------Doobie and Augustin!? 2013 Playoff Bubble!
13.Joe Alexander-------Hate portland more than Spurs... why rob such a GEM!?
14.Darrell Arthur------Feel this one...Harrington replacement-Range+Dunk Ability
Poot, Honestly? This may be a semi-lame point, but do you think the celtics could have beaten the Spurs? Tony Parker would have made Rondo look like Marcos Perez, and Tim Duncan would have anhilated their front line. Having that said, what do you think the Lakers are going to do the Celtics. Already too much hype, bring on the draft... Lakers in 5