-Chase, solid decision to return to the college ranks, but to me, you have just put an awful lot of pressure on yourself to do what you haven't been able to the last two years. Be the man. As Poot has put it, if you focused your offensive energy you could put up 30 a game, but unfortunately we haven't seen this scoring prowess translated to such a degree. If you are hoping to be in the top 10 next year my friend, you are going to have break some skulls, and do some serious damage in a lesser but still extremely competitive Pac-10. Imagine if Mr. Budinger had the will of Adam Morrison.... Anywayzz, Chase, if the wildcats are led by Brandon Jennings and Jordan Hill next

year, as you well know, we will be holding try-outs down at the meadow for "Mandy Volleyball Pro-Am" next summer, and you're welcome to be on my team against Nathan and Mike. Its a charity event to support undernourished doggies who's significant other eats both bowls of food when the owner leaves* Not to be confused with the "Mandy Paintball Classic" which aims to support those orange boxer hounds whom without consent, have a paintball rubbed into their fur, followed with Jim being asked to tell Jeff that he didn't know how it happened...
- Mike if you haven't seen the "machine" series yet, here it
is-Kobe's reputation is on the line these next couple of games, hope he comes out swinging. Paul Pierce is a possessed animal
-I'm going to be traveling for the month fellas... I hope to see some posts on the road every now and then... Poot i will be living the draft vicariously through you so you better bring the emotion...
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