-On Upside and Motor, the hideous new Timberwolves' jersey surfaced, sported by none other than Mr. K Love. Like commented on U&M, it appears as if he put the new space age top on,(unflattering on our big beefy hero), over his 'original' T-Wolves Jersey... I would like to track down the history of this new 'fad' in NBA/College jerseys. To me it's as if Queer Eye and The Professor from AND1 had a brain storming session and decided to compromise with the tops being super tight to show Dwight Howard's ginormous pectorals, and the shorts reminiscent of the super baggy and long Jordan's of recent era. My memory of this hanus transformation goes like this... Nike decides to unveil new design on 5 College Teams in 07, Greg Oden's Ohio State and Syracuse being the two that I noticed, maybe Villanova too. Mike Conley was a sword and cap away from being the Prince of Persia... Anway flashing forward to the NBA, the Atlanta Hawks were the first team to stray from their actual colors of red and gold to go Red White and Blue along with the futuristic font and jersey style. If

One thing that will come from all of this, I hypothesize, will be the culmination of this fad five years from now, when an Undrcrwn employee in the front-office of Houston Rockets, will bring the NBA back to the days of old. The transition to a early 90's NBA is happening before our eyes even amidst the emergence of Tim Allen's Galaxy Quest Uni... We see it happening with future shoe billionaire B Jennings and the high top fade, and you know when the same kids, who on the swing sets argued whether or not they would rather be Larry Johnson or Michael Jordan, begin to become the majority of the NBA, there will be iminent change back to turqouise, crazy fonts, and Tom Gugliotta...
-I salute you Dwyane Wade, that in-air, alley-oop windmill on Lithuania was one of the sickest dunks I have seen in quite sometime. I think of all the guys on the team it is the best to see him do it, and now we know he's got it back. Who knows, with Beasely, Marion and Dwade, could Bostons heralded bigggest turn-around in NBA history be broken just one year later? With that absolutely vicious alley, anything is possible...
-Mike, if it's any motivation to get you back on here, you've got more profile views than me... now come home.
-If Lebron pulls a Josh Childress in 2010, in order to get paid 20 mil a year in olympiakos, which *knock on wood* he won't, the consequences will be more dire than Randy Quaid flying up the destruction beam over the white house... Like I said, very unlikely to happen but keeping it mind, worse things I guess have happened? The NBA, I believe, would implode on in on itself, along with my soul....
-Poot's World's own Walter Hermann signed back with the Pistons... The anti-childress, someone who would benefit greatly from leaving to Europe or back to Argentina, but instead decides to stay in the best league in the world, and hopefully get out of the Detroit dog-house made even harder by their SF log jam.
-Pinche Pendejo! Get ready for some tears... I present you "La Caida de Edgar"
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