-Finally, an Olympic basketball game to watch where I am not exhausted. Against the best team other than themselves, the boys in blue looked unbeatable. The three's were finally falling and Ricky Rubio failed to impress. Oh well, he is only 17. Areas of concern in this blowout would be Kobe's continuing failure to consistently hit outside shots, Dwight Howard looking periodically lost on both ends of the court, and Jason Kidd's defense on opposing point guards.
-Of course as I write this, Dwight goes off. But it was against Spain's second unit.
-Subtract Ricky Rubio from Spain, and they are by far the ugliest team assembled since the Milwaukee Bucks suited up Ervin Johnson, Darvin "elf" Hamm and Sam Cassell at the same time.
-Just watched Spain/USA... I personally was very impressed with Ricky Rubio's defense, picking off a couple of USA passes, his compliments of being one step ahead seem to be dead-on on the denfensive end... nice alley-oop to rudy too. Who knows, maybe not #1 but this guy will freshen up the NBA like a glade plug-in.
milwaukee team as ugly as 06 clips? kaman cassell aaron williams, sean livingston? like the pics though
everytime i look at that pic of marc gasol, rachel mcadams is staring right at me... a very large sasquatch of a lady
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