Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Looking through APBRmetrics for random stats (most of which I had never heard of): 3 Hours

Re-reading Basketball on Paper and applying Dean Oliver's groundbreaking statistical analysis to my Final's picks: 10 Hours

Watching NBA games this year:
I'm not going to disclose those hours

Perusing BasketballValue.com for unit efficiency of different player combinations for the Celtics and Lakers: 2 Hours

Checking out the raw data of the playoffs up to the finals on Doug's NBA stats page: 1 Hour

Waking up each morning to read Popcorn's GameFlow during the Playoffs: 6 Hours

Logging into David Berri's Wages of Wins website and checking out his weird "Wins Produced" stat of all NBA players: 2 Hours

Making Basketball-Reference.com and 82games.com my new statistical obsession: 5 Hours

Religiously reading TrueHoop, BDL, SlamOnline, Hoops Addict, The Association, Count The Basket, Hardwood Paroxysm, Dime, The Arbitrarian, Empty The Bench, The Blowtorch, NBA Post Up FreeDarko, and all the little ESPN Insider minion BLOGS: 100 Hours

Not only picking the Celtics to win the Finals, (with every expert, including 2 from our very own blog picking the Lakers) but picking them to win in the exact number of games: Priceless

Other things that were priceless to me tonight: Watching Rajon dominate with 21, 8, 7, and 6 steals. And, watching the cockiest collection of d-bags (YES THAT INCLUDES PHIL JACKSON) get their asses handed to them.

P.S. Alex, this is what I will bring to the NBA Draft coverage...

1 comment:

PootyLove said...

poot i watched the final game with some friends, and i kept reiterating how my friend i blogged with picked this series dead on... way to go man, seriously i can't even put it into words... and the more i thought about it, that game couldn't have been any doper, from the ray allen threes to the pierce magistry, to rondo's ridiculous strength, to garnett pulling a jesus camp with michelle tafoya, it was special and it took me that long to finally realize it... 4 more months, but until then, bring the DRAFT HEAT my friend