Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ball Don't Lie vs. FreeDarko

-I'm starting to get the feeling that Alex is the Bethlehem Shoals to my J.E. Skeets on this blog. (at a much smaller level of course) I come in and provide posts that aren't much longer than a sentence but get to the point. Alex uses the English language as his toy and plays around beautifully with thoughts and insight. My posted videos and pictures make me laugh but rarely have anything to do with what I write about, and Alex's go along with his post. If we both mated, we would create a Henry Abbott of TrueHoop. Which is where Mike will need to come into the picture. Even though I'm not sure you understand any of this, Mike, for which I apologize. Of course, I love where the blog is going so far, even though 5 people max read it.

-Not sure if you mentioned this in your post Alex, but don't you get the feeling that the Rockets COULD, just maybe work out like the Celtics IF Ron Artest pulls a Ray Allen and solely concentrates on what he needs to do for the team, rather than try and take over every game offensively? I do. And the role players on Houston are so much stronger than Boston's with Scola, Head, Landry, Battier, Novak(clutch photoshop), and Alston. (UPDATE: Goddammit, Shoals already made the Boston comparison early in the morning...I seriously hadn't read it)

-I apologize for my posts being short and far apart but I am hitting crunch time in summer school and am still working about 35+ hours per week. My game will pick up in mid August before yet another lull with the start of my student teaching.

-And of course, a video that makes me laugh, even though I'm positive most of you have already seen it......


PootyLove said...

thanks poot, i'm just a PHD and a cognitive thought process away from becoming my idol mr. shoals, you however, poot, are the namesake and skeets type leader, and like you said all we need is Mike on board to provide his Phoenix Sun/Cowboy Dallas analysis... my next piece will definitely be an oad to pugh to get his ass on here or at least let us know his whereabouts and such

The Nateorious B.I.G. said...

I was thinking my pen name could be J.E. Poots?